$225.00 USD

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Schedule a Private Clearing Session -so you can move forward in life.

There are many different ways of processing your emotions.  Traditional therapy, reiki, EFT/ or tapping, hypnotics, massage, acupuncture, among others.  All can be effective.

My preferred process is blending science, beliefs, and the body's natural ability together, in order to honor and clear the affects of past experiences, and return the body to its natural state of wellness.

During our session I tune into a specific frequency, and hold space for the Creator to present past memories or experiences that caused the emotional block.

The client has direct contact with the wisdom of their soul.  They revisit the memory as an independent witness, thus honoring those unexpressed feelings, and allow the energy to move through their body.  We repeat the process until the peace within is restored.

Sessions typically takes a half hour, however the focus is on the results, rather than the time.