
Lori Park has been helping people for more than 25 years with her unique coaching process.  She offers a blend of human and social behaviors along with physics and quantum physics to help others in relationships, business, and life.  She brings a strong sense of purpose along with a talent for communicating real-life, effective coaching that makes the otherwise seemingly intangible relevant to everyone she helps.  Her gift for sharing concepts and the big picture helps people to get unsnagged so they can move forward in their lives.

Lori has studied and trained with some of today's most dynamic thought leaders, including John Newton, Gregg Braden, John Assaraf, and Bruce Lipton, among others.  She loves helping people on their quest to discover their life purpose and finds joy in each person's uniqueness.

With a special talent for helping others to move past their greatest challenges, Lori helps her clients to feel their way towards their purpose.  She reveals that we are naturally wired to go in the direction of our life's purpose; sometimes, we just have to get out of our own way and hear what our hearts are trying to tell us.

Often, our biggest discoveries come on top of our biggest mistakes.  All of our experiences, the good AND the bad, are a part of our inner guidance system.  Lori shares that everything is happening FOR us, not TO us!  Understanding and accepting this paradigm shift is a game changer, especially when it comes to defining our purpose.  There is value in everything that happens to us.


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