How Do I Navigate Through This World?


We have all been taught we are separate from each other, and separate from the universe.  In 1986 the Michelson-Morley experiment was retested using NASA's equipment. They discovered we are not separate from, but in fact part of the Universal web.  However over 30 years later our schools and universities are still teaching trusting students that we are separate from, rather than connected to one another.

Understanding THAT we are connected, and HOW we're connected are the first steps to understanding "Who We Really Are" & "How To Navigate Through This World".


This is a picture of the center of our universe taken from the Hubble Space Station.  However instead of looking at it through an optical lens, this was taken from a Chandra space telescope which reflects the energy field of our planetary system.  This picture shows how our whole universe is connected through a web like energy field.

Like energy, attracts like energy.  This is what the Law of Attraction is referring to.


If you take whatever you're thinking about and add your emotion to it, the frequency of your feeling is projected out into the universe.  The same frequency of your feeling, finds a match and delivers it back into your reality.  So if you like what you're thinking about, then intensify your feelings.  If you don't like what your thinking about, then change your thought to something more pleasant. 


So Who Are We?  We are actually very powerful beings.  Just by the thoughts we think and the emotions we feel, we are LITERALLY creating tomorrow.

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