Emotion, Body, & Wellness

Body's Inner Working

So let's take a closer look how these experiences affect the inner workings of our bodies.

Harvard graduate Dr. Candace Pert, discovered how emotional traumas react within the body and wrote the book "Molecules of Emotion" -The science between mind-body medicine.  She noted that our bodies are designed to process these emotional traumas, and release the chemicals through our urine, sweet glands and even our tears; so they no longer have an effect on our lives, judgements and decisions moving forward.


But what happens when the trauma happens so early in life when a person doesn't have the understanding, tools, or support system to help process the experience?  According to Dr. Pert, the body, so perfectly designed, tucks these molecules of emotions, or Nero-peptides aside to process at a later time.  However few people will remember a childhood issue that needs to be processed.  And at the same time if the issue was never resolved, that person as an adult, will be making decisions affecting their life through the filters of unresolved experiences.  If these traumas are left untreated, the organ closest to the Nero-peptides will flare up causing attention to the body.  People call this "issues in the tissues".

Releasing Emotions

Once these issues have been addressed, then the chemicals are released through the body via tears, urine, and sweet glands.  Dr. Pert said "Since emotions run every system in the body, don't underestimate their power to treat and heal".

When this happens, I always recommend you seek professional assistance for any disruption to your health, as you normally would.  And at the same time you can help your body along by honoring the body's past experiences.  This can be done through therapy as well as many different forms of energy work.  As with anything, you should only go to someone you trust, you should honor the wisdom of your body, and never proceed past your comfort zone.  Trust yourself and the information your body is gives you.

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