Why Can't I Move Forward?


If you've reviewed the information on "Who Am I' and how to navigate in this world; then you understand how this is a vibrational world. We can literally bring into our reality anything we want by "MANAGING" control over "OUR" thoughts and feelings.


Sometimes this isn't easy to do because we have some internal programing working against us.  Beliefs our parents instilled in us, along with schools, universities, governments, and even current events filtered through our news media.  Do you feel the anxiety flare up inside you, an internal tug-a-war?  This is not a peaceful existence, and we were created to live in peace.

Perfectly Designed

Our bodies were perfectly designed to process any and all trauma that has, or ever will occur in our life.  We just need to work in harmony with the way the universe and our bodies are designed, rather than against it.  You know that anxiety, fear and anger you feel?  How often do you feel these emotions?  How about guilt, regrets and blame?  Whenever you're feeling these feelings, you are actually working in resistance to the harmony our bodies are designed for.  Thus preventing the natural healing process of traumas.  This maybe hard for some to believe, because for decades we've been told diseases were due to our genes, while science has proven our genes play only a 2% factor.

The Truth

The truth is we are part of the Whole, but we communicate our thoughts and feelings of our desires separately.  So if someone desires to learn sports, they are going to have thoughts and feelings that are different from someone who desires to learn classical music. 

Each desire should be nurtured independent of anyone's opinion, and nurtured by the person holding the desire.  No one should be allowed to have a judgement on your life; and likewise, you shouldn't have a judgement on other people's lives.  When you let go of these judgements, you become a part of the harmony, the harmony that connects us to each other, as well as the rest of the world.


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