So How Are You Put Together?

Moving forward from the previous post:

In the last post we took a look at frequencies.  There are frequencies that are harmonic...and frequencies that are dis-harmonic.  How can you tell which are which?  By the way you feel.

We have become far too patient in living with things that don't feel good, or feel right.

Our bodies are a treasure trove of pure intelligence, however we tend to ignore, over-look, or over-ride this wisdom.  We look to "social media" or friends for our guidance.  The problem with that is, they will give us guidance through their lives, circumstances, or filters.  So their guidance might be perfect for them, but your life usually has difference circumstances and variables.

We need to turn inward and ask ourselves basic questions.  Do I like "this", or do I like "that".  Does this make be feel "happy" or "sad".  Often we might hear thoughts like "my family expects me to do....".  That's not being true to yourself, you can always ask them later; but this is about listening to your body's wisdom.  Listen to your Heart, not your head.

We can circumvent a lot of hurt, wasted time or money, if we listen to our internal wisdom.  To live in harmony with ourself.  When we live in harmony, we feel balanced.  When we are balanced, we are better equipped to deal with others.

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