A Healthy Time Out

Running low on energy?

Are you taking care of others with no time left for you?

Then the solution is easy, take a healthy time out!  We all need to do this from time to time. It offers us some time to re-think and re-prioritize what we're trying to accomplish.

When you take care of your needs, then you have far more energy, drive, and clarity to help others.  Just like the airlines instructing you to put your oxygen mask on before assisting others, the same is true in every day life.  If you give and give and give, without replenishing yourself, then you end up depleted without the ability to help anyone...including yourself.

Taking a Time Out is not selfish - it's self-love.  The more self-love you have, the more you're able to authentically love others.

Let's face it, the world needs more authentic Love!


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"Know Thyself"

"Know Thyself" is a philosophical maxim inscribed above the entrance to the Temple of Apollo in ancient Delphi, Greece.  It's considered the most significant of the Delphic maxims and this wisdom has stood the test of time throughout history.

It seems like today, we just rush through life without much consideration to the deeper meaning of life, who we are, and how we fit into this world.

Too much importance is given to selfies of where we are, and what's on our dinner plate to send to our friends.  Too much attention is focused on how many likes our posts receive.  Too much time is wasted on what other people think, while the real value is totally over looked.  Not by others, but by YOU!

There is nobody else like you.  And you are in the process of becoming more.  Did you know that about yourself?  You're not the same person you were last year.  Where do you want to be next year?

Know Thyself.....you have more untapped potential than you...

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Do You Want To Change The World?

Rumi is so right!

The only one we can really change is our self.  As we look inside our self and notice what's working and what's not working, we can change what needs to be changed.  Day by day, one internal change at a time, WILL change how we show up in the world.

When we show up new and improved, then we are dancing with the world differently.  The world is adjusting to this new person we're becoming. 

Little by little, by little, the world is adjusting and course correcting.  It all starts with how we show up, and the choices we make each day.

So, are you Clever...or are you Wise?


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Life Is An Adventure

 Life is an Adventure, and unfortunately there are too many people sitting on the sidelines.  They are missing out on learning and gaining of information that propels them forward.

Maybe they tried and it didn't work out, so they gave up.  What most people don't realize until later, is they learned something though that experience.  Maybe several things that later became invaluable to their life.

The secret isn't in how many times you get knocked down, but in how many times you get up..

So what's your next adventure?  What makes you come alive and feel inspired?  What are your gifts and talents?

Be adventurous and discover the differences you're making in this world.

Thank you for being YOU!






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Your Life Is Sacred

You are Unique!

Other people's rules won't properly fit your life.  If other peoples rules were right for your life, your life would have worked by now.

Think for yourself.  Discern what's right for you.

Things may shake around you - Hold Steady.



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It's a New Year!

As we enter a new year we can tell the world is getting more off balance.  Since our thoughts, our actions, and our deeds directly affect others and eventually the progress of the world, I thought I’d share my own personal rules for navigating life.  There are only 3, so this makes it simple for me.

Rule #1


Trust in the Lord with All your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your path straight.

 Rule #2

Send LOVE:

Love is always the solution to any problem.  The only question is, who is it that needs the love?  Them?  You?  Both??

Rule #3

Let God be God:

I can be there in loving support.  Respecting other people’s journeys are between them and God, I don’t have to control other people’s circumstances.


Following these rules as much as I can helps me to stay in my lane, and allow others the freedom to discover their own path.

Happy New...
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Peace On Earth, Goodwill Towards All


It's that time of year when the world slows down and we focus on things that hold true meaning in life.  Family, friends, kindness and connections to others.

Perhaps we should incorporate these thoughtful moments into our lives on a regular basis.

Make it a habit to take the first 5 minutes of each day, to hold theses harmonious thoughts in your heart for just a few moments before getting ready to start your day.

You'll be surprised of the results it will have on the rest of your day, not to mention your health!



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