
Uncategorized Nov 09, 2022

There are times in our lives where we all have had to restore, repair, or put thing back in order.  It could be from a fire in our home, could be from a severe auto accident, or even a trusted relationship that's been damaged.

These occurrences can be a shock to our lives.  Sometimes they can shake us to the core of our being, causing us to question everything we've ever believed.

While this can be challenging, and usually unwelcome; sometimes it can be the very thing we need to propel our life forward.  It might be an opportunity to try somethings new.  To create a new environment to grow and thrive.

Don't stop dreaming, creating and believing!


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October Pin Up

From wrong thinking, to right thinking. 

From hurt, to forgiveness. 

From weakness, to strength. 

From bondage, to freedom.

From division, to unity.

From conflict, to peace.

From storm, to restoration.

From dark, to light

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It's Only A Course Correction - NOTHING MORE!

Moving forward from the previous post:


I know things are feeling crazy and out of control.  I know people are feeling fearful and things are not going as they planned for their lives.

But what if nothing was going wrong?  What if it was nothing more than a world-wide GPS indicating the need for a Course Correction.  We've all been there with our personal navigational devises, stating "At your earliest convenience make a U Turn".

In the dictionary the verb "correct" is defined as:  If you correct a problem, mistake, or fault, you do something which puts it right.

So in your automobile if you do a course correction, you're making an adjustment to the path you are currently on, in order to get back on the right path.

Did you know if a ship that is only 1 tiny degree off the correct path...and left uncorrected long enough, could miss the entire continent?  That's why there's a...

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So How Are You Put Together?

Moving forward from the previous post:

In the last post we took a look at frequencies.  There are frequencies that are harmonic...and frequencies that are dis-harmonic.  How can you tell which are which?  By the way you feel.

We have become far too patient in living with things that don't feel good, or feel right.

Our bodies are a treasure trove of pure intelligence, however we tend to ignore, over-look, or over-ride this wisdom.  We look to "social media" or friends for our guidance.  The problem with that is, they will give us guidance through their lives, circumstances, or filters.  So their guidance might be perfect for them, but your life usually has difference circumstances and variables.

We need to turn inward and ask ourselves basic questions.  Do I like "this", or do I like "that".  Does this make be feel "happy" or "sad".  Often we might hear thoughts...

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Understanding This Will Change Your Life

When you understand everything is a vibration frequency, and you learn how it works; then you become the master of your life.

We lived in a world that withheld the truth from us.  We are now in a period of time that is not only exposing the lies....but also teaching us the truth.  The "REAL" set of rules. 

Have you ever tried to play a board game, and you didn't take time to read the rules?  Your friend might have just explained the rules as you start to learn the game.  Then a question come in to play that can't be answered, so you pull out the rules.  You end up discovering you've been playing with the wrong understanding all along.

That's where we are, people in control intentionally gave us the wrong rules, and life was hard.  The good news is, you are now being exposed to the "REAL RULES".  Embrace the opportunity for Joy, Laughter, Harmony, and Love.  All the things you've been wanting in your life....and now you have the...

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September Pin Up

Uncategorized Sep 25, 2022
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Rebuilding Your Community

Moving forward from the previous post

No Man Is An Island!

We were not meant to come to this planet and exist alone.  We are all children of our Creator, and as children we learn new things...we fall down and learn to get up again.  It doesn't matter how many times you fall down, what matters is, how many times do you get up???

You were born into this crazy world at this very precise time for a reason.  Your life's lessons that you've conquered will help so many people at this time.  There are No Mistakes, you were meant to have those lessons, so you can help other navigate through them.  We are all experts in what we have gone through, and over come.

What many people don't realize yet, is that the rules that were in place before 2020 are now totally different.  If we are going to excel during this time we need to own the wisdom within the core of our being, and share it with others. ...

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Rebuilding Step-By-Step

Moving forward from the previous post

What's stirring inside of you?

Are you following your passion?

Your wounds may be on the outside, or they may be on the inside...but we all got them!  The only difference between us is, are we facing our challenges and moving forward, or are we ignoring them and staying stuck?

We all have our stories, and yes we need to honor the challenges in our lives.  It's not uncommon for people to look back and realize how much they've grown because of their challenge. 

When these challenges occur, I recommend the 20/80 Rule.  Take 20% of your time, and honor what happened....why it might have happened....and what could be a lesson from the situation.  After that, spend the remaining 80% of your time thinking of where to go from to take small steps towards making your life better....seeing yourself at the end of the challenge as a conqueror.

Start from...

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Rebuilding Something Better


This profound video means more to me than the surface message. 

As we understand what "really" happened on 9/11/2001, we can learn from this man and his message. 

I don't think we have to be fireman or woman to make this same monumental difference.  Just like the towers, the old system has collapsed, but we each can stand tall, and rebuild a new system far better than what we had.   A system where our children, grandchildren, and each generation after, never has to live in a world controlled by evil doers. 

The best is ahead of us, let's all be apart of this rebuilding.   There's so much to be done in all aspects of this new way of life.   Find your passion, then start building from there.

You were born into this time for a reason, make it monumental!

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