What Is Success?

 Its understanding just like every lock has its on unique key, so it is with Success

Every person has a unique purpose for being on this planet, and at this specific time. No two people are the same.  Even twins may look very similar, but even they have unique differences and purposes.

Success is understanding they have their own purpose.

Success is respecting others for the gifts each person brings to the world.

Success is holding your beliefs about your purpose, regardless of other people's opinions.

Success is trying something new and unfamiliar.

Success is getting up after a fall and courage to try again.

Success is knowing there's a lesson in every experience, and becoming wiser for it.

Success is knowing the difference between outside chatter and inner wisdom.

Success is having the ability to stay in the present moment.

Success is listening to the desires in your heart, and allowing your soul to express itself.

Success is knowing that it's about the journey, and not the destination.

Success is living life, while understanding it's a process of a never ending transformation!

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