Understanding Your Expansion

Every New Experience Is Expanding Us!

Expanding our knowledge; Expanding our skills; Expanding our character; Expanding our comfort zone; Expanding our inner world!

Several years back I got certified in scuba diving.  There were many things to learn as I stepped into a new world with different surroundings and different rules.  Things needed to be explained to me, what I can touch verses what I can't touch, never to dive alone, how to communicate underwater, how to navigate in poor visibility, and how to buddy breathe if someone's tank ran out of oxygen.

Once we got underwater, there was a new freedom I quickly realized because of the tank of oxygen strapped to my back, I was able to stay down and enjoy .  I was able to see bright vivid colors of fish swimming together in schools, sea life tucked within the rocks or blending in with the coral.  I saw a sand ray that was camouflage and swam away as I approached, and even encountered a barracuda who moved in an...

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#authentic #bold Aug 11, 2022


Now is the time to stand up and be counted.  The time for you to write....or re-write your story.  You're not writing this story for anyone else; you're writing this story for you!

What do you want to experience between the cover of you coming into this life, and your departure from it?

Too many times people stick their nose into our business.  And if we're truthful, we'll realize how many times we stick our business into other people faces (facebook).  If people were living their authentic lives, they wouldn't even notice if anyone sees them at all.  Totally Unplugged from the good (or bad) opinions of others.  Other peoples opinions are none of "our" business.  They can only take us off of our path...our "True North".

Be Brave, Be Bold, Be Beautiful.....Be YOU!

If you write a beautiful enough story, others will eventually notice.  However this story, this dream, this life...is really for you.


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The word Courage may mean different things, to different people, at different stages in their life.

But we're not here to look at other people, or even look outside of ourselves.  All our power comes from within us...never outside of us.  So please give the gift of focusing inside of yourself.  This is where you gain insight, review the past, grow from your experiences, get ideas, acknowledge your feelings, dream, make plans, and most importantly disconnect from Other People's Anxieties and Fears.

Some people may say looking within yourself is "selfish"....these are the same people, if you notice, that do NOT have their lives together.  Actually looking within yourself is "Self-Love".  When you spend the time to really know who you are...you actually like yourself more, and understand yourself better.  At that point, you show up in the world a little differently.  Maybe less judgemental, maybe kinder, more compassionate, more peaceful.  You in...

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July Pin Up

Uncategorized Jul 26, 2022

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Are you giving your FREEDOM away, without realizing it?

#dream #fear #freedom #happy Jul 19, 2022

 So many people are living their lives by somebody else's rules.

They just go along...to get along.  But what is that REALLY costing them?

It's costing them their FREEDOM, and people are doing that to themselves!

If one person in the picture above, had the courage to stand up and live their live their way, the game of control is over!

So what stops people from standing up?  Usually FEAR,  If we break down what fear truly is, we find out it's usually an Illusion:





Maybe you're afraid of being different.  Maybe you're afraid of being judged.  Maybe you're afraid of making a mistake.  Whatever the fear might be, gather the courage to live life on Your Terms.  If it helps, get a friend to share your dreams with and ask them for their support...and you do the same for them.  Isn't that better than living day in and day out with a life that doesn't make you happy?

Ernest Hemingway said:

"The coward dies a thousand...

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Freedom Isn't Free

Anything worth while, is worth the investment!

Living in a free country, is worth the investment of protecting it's boundaries.

Living a free life, is worth the investment of time to define your life, your way.  And then the Courage and Focus to walk "Your Path"....even if it ends up being the road less traveled.

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FREEDOM - It's A Choice!

246 years ago, the people of America had a choice to make. To live under the ruling control of King George III, or to choose to govern themselves.

Today is no different.  We each need to assess our lives, and decide to be governed by other peoples opinions, rules, or mandates -OR- design a lifestyle that fits who "WE" are and what we came to accomplish.

Once we have completed our assessment, then we need to Stand and make our DECLARATION.

Declare what we want our life to be, and Stand Firm in that Declaration!

It might not always be easy, but you living your life your way.... is definitely worth it!


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June Pin Up

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Every Thing In Life Is A Frequency Match

We can not "See" frequencies....but we can see the effects frequencies have in our world.

From our Cell Phones, Televisions, Radios. Garage Doors, Internet, Microwaves, GPS Tracking, Antennas, Satellite Dishes, just to name a few.

With each of these items, there must be a frequency match in order to see the effect you're hopping for.  For example, as you drive down your street, when you click your garage door opener, all your neighbors garages don't open up because there is no "frequency match" to your remote opener.  The same thing is true with your cell phone.  If your cell phone doesn't match the frequency to any near by tower, then your phone will not work.

The same thing is true with people.  Frequencies between people are not visible.  And frequencies between people either match or they don't.

People are attracted to others because each are holding a similar frequency.  Likewise, people engaged in arguments are also holding a similar frequency in...

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We Can't Control Our Outer Environment....Well, Not Directly


Like it or not, this statement is very true.  As I was sorting through my own life, I came to the point of realizing there is the Outer environment where I interact with others, and the Inner environment where I discern what took place, look for understanding, disconnect from wrong perception, feel my feelings about the situation, forgive others or myself where needed, and then I'm able to grow from the experience.

So much of "Life's Injustices" come from misunderstandings and wrong perceptions.  What if the majority of us, took that quiet time to review our experiences and digest what happened in order to extract the golden nuggets for us to learn and grow from?

We learned and grew while we were in school, and that doesn't stop after graduation.  I'm sure you can name numerous things you learned...and then was able to gain additional knowledge because of your foundational understanding.

Isn't a happy life, and a harmonious world worth...

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