Exercising Consciousness

It's important to keep your body healthy, so you might watch what you eat, go to the gym, or walk around your neighborhood.

It is equally, or perhaps more important to keep your mind healthy.

We all can admit we are living in "CRAZY" times...but do you know that you are adding to the Craziness if you aren't controlling your consciousness?

What you think about AND the words you choose to use, are all part of the "crazy" drama currently playing out in the world.  They either add to the drama, or they calm the drama!

In the month of June, I will focus on different examples, techniques, and explanations to help break it down so you can gain control of what you're contributing; while respecting others for where they are at in their lives.

To start with, notice your body.  Do you feel anxious?  Is your body tense or stressed?  If you answered yes, take a moment and breathe deeply.  Concentrate on each long intake, and slow outflow of your breath.  Do you...

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May Pin Up

Like with any good map,

The key is to notice where you are

And then notice where you want to be.


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Notice What You Notice

Uncategorized May 24, 2022

Now let's practice.  You can practice with anything, and the more you do this, the better you get.

Take a look at the picture.  Most people would take a quick look and be done.  But really look at the picture!  There are different colors, different geometric designs, there are different designs within designs.

Notice what do you specifically notice about this picture?  What grabs your attention over other things?  What colors are you drawn to?  What shapes resonate with you and why?  Do you feel more relaxed when you focus on a particular area?  Do you feel pulled into the picture?  Does it feel peaceful and harmonizing or cluttered and confusing?

As you took those few moments to really look at this picture, and just noticed what you noticed about it...you actually stepped into your POWER.  The power of this very moment right now.

The moment of now, is all we really have.  Can't do anything about yesterday, and tomorrow...

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Can You Read Life's Signs?

Uncategorized May 22, 2022

In my opinion, the best way to read Life's Signs are to notice what you NOTICE!

Notice what steps into your Awareness.

We weren't just dropped on this planet to fin for ourselves.  We are constantly watched over, AND supported as much as our "Free Will" is allowing.

There are numerous things that pop into our daily reality that we don't even notice.  If we just walk past without even observing them, then we're missing out on valuable information that is custom designed for our life.

Awareness is everything!  When you're aware of things, you can choose to incorporate them into your life.  "Feelings" are another great leverage with awareness.  When you experience something, ask yourself how this item...situation...or choice makes you feel.  If it makes you feel good, then move forward; if it makes you feel bad, then move away from it.

Not everything will be that simple, but you'd be surprised to know how many things are!

When you know better, you do...

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You Cannot Heal, What You Do Not Reveal

Uncategorized May 09, 2022

We were created with so many abilities that we don't use.  We were designed to grow, to learn, to thrive, and to help others do the same.

Yet every person, at one time or another get stuck, and have difficulties moving forward.  It's even more confusing when a "bad" thing happened to a "good" person.

While we are lost in the "confusion", we end up making life decisions through the lens of hurts and wrongs that happened many years ago.  These hurts and wrongs don't heal on their own.  They truly deserve that sacred space to honor what happened, so we can let go of the trauma in the body, even at a cellular level, is holding on to.

So how do we do this?  Many times, it just needs to be reviewed with objectivity....someone who doesn't have a vested interest in a particular "story line".   Maybe a good friend can be that for you.  Maybe you can do that for yourself.  Revisiting something that happened to you when you were young, but from the...

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April Pin Up

Uncategorized Apr 26, 2022

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Real Life Heros ......Like YOU!

Uncategorized Apr 22, 2022


In these crazy days that we are going through,  it's easy to look around us and notice people stepping up to the plate and doing outstanding things. 

If you ask that person afterwards they say they're not a hero... they noticed a situation in front of them, and just helped. 

Well even though the cameras aren't recording your actions, I know you have been there to help others.  I just wanted to take this moment to recognize you...I hope you join me in recognizing what you are bringing to this changing world. 

We are all in this world together, and your actions Matter.

With since gratitude, Lori

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Being The Light

Uncategorized Apr 18, 2022

Are you tired of being how others say you should be?

Hollywood, Magazines, TV programs, are all programing to be who they say is ideal.  But what if "they're" wrong?

I think it's time for you to allow your truth to shine through.

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Stepping Out Of The Dark

Uncategorized Apr 12, 2022

Have you ever heard the saying:

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result"

Isn't that what we all have done...Live In Fear, over and over again?

Isn't it time to come out of the Fear and the Dark and into the Light?

Don't be afraid of your future....It's Bright.

Explore, you can't make a mistake....only learn new experiences to Grow from.

Enjoy - This Life Belongs To YOU!

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March Pin Up

Uncategorized Mar 24, 2022
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