Schumann Resonances

FREQUENCIES -The world is full of Frequencies

Our world is Electromagnetic, and our bodies are electromagnetic.

According to Wikipedia: The Schumann Resonances are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth's electromagnetic field spectrum.  Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, generated and excited by lighting discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth's surface and the ionosphere.

The Schumann resonance was discovered in 1952 and has been collecting frequency data ever since.  On the left side of the above picture is a typical graph of the frequency data collected.

The right side of the above picture is the graph that was captured last Saturday on June 17, 2023.

These unexplained patterns have caught many people by surprise.  What might have occurred last Saturday that was captured by this equipment?  What could have caused this beautiful geometrical pattern?

Maybe one day soon we will find...

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Do you ever feel you're being pulled in too many directions?

Are you being distracted by too many phone calls, emails, texts, social media, and/or other people's agendas landing on your path?

Either we’re going to run life, or life is going to run us. That's just the cold hard truth.  Never be afraid to look at things honestly.  Truth offers a solid foundation in which to build your thoughts and dreams on.  When you know your dreams and what you want in your life, then you can start developing different plans to achieve those dreams.  Life is a step by step process, but those steps will get you further if they are deliberate steps.

Whether I'm working on dreams or a conflict in my life, I use the 20/80 rule.  I spend 20% of my time looking at the situation honestly.  Then I put my blinders on, so I can't see any distractions...and spend the remaining 80% of my time developing a plan to get me where I want to be.

Albert Einstein said, "You cannot...

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Focus Your Power

We underestimate ourselves.

We are actually Power Generators!

Many look at themself as just one person.  However 1 person with the ability to FEEL, and then FOCUS that feeling to any person or destination on the planet can literally calm storms, emotionally comfort people, and neutralize combative energy.

The secret is to disconnect yourself from what others or the news tells you.  Feel whatever you want to generate.  Then intensify that feeling, feel it expanding inside your body to the point that your body feels so filled with this emotion.  Rest with this expanded feeling, enjoy it....and when you're ready, FOCUS it going to your desired destination.  Share the joyful expression of who you are, in the fullness of your magnificence.

You Are Powerful!

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What Difference Can "One" Person Make?

Just as you would toss one small pebble into the lake, there is a rippling effect that goes out in all directions. If you did the same thing with one small boulder, there would be a larger rippling effect in all directions of that occurrence.

The same thing is true with one person’s personal energy or vibrational frequency.  Frequency ripples out to our family and community around us.

David Hawkins was a MD and PhD who spent several decades test and defining the frequency between different emotions.  He defined the different levels between 1 and 1000.  The higher the number, the more the person is living in a higher state of consciousness.

Most people, on average, live their lives around 200.  This is taking into account of the times they're blaming themselves or others, feeling fearful of the future or regret the past; but also the times of feeling love for another person, and joyful surprises dropped on their path.

Did you know that one person who is...

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Stumbing Blocks vs Stepping Stones

The only difference between the two, are HOW YOU USE THEM!

Things go wrong in all our lives.  However what we might not realize in that moment is that, everything is always happening FOR US....not to us.

The stumbling blocks we come across on our path, is there to help us learn to navigate through the situation.  And as we do, we become stronger and smarter.  Who knows what adventure is ahead of you that those stumbling blocks are preparing your for.

Life Is An Incredible Journey!

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Thinking For Yourself

Didn't our parents try to teach us this?  I'm sure I'm not the only one whose parents said, “If your friends jumped of a bridge, does that mean you have to?"

It's important for us to think for ourselves.  We are all here for a different part to play in life, so does it make sense for everyone to think the same?  Do the same thing?  Have the same opinion?

NO!  Nothing new would be created if we did!

You are expanding and growing as a person.  You're creating a new tomorrow, for you, your family, and your community.

Enjoy the freedom of learning from your experiences, the good experiences and the bad ones.  For me, I've learned more from the experiences that didn't go as planned. 

Enjoy the freedom of being Perfectly You!

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United We Stand, Divide We Fall

Have you noticed the world is getting even crazier? Too many opportunities to divide us.

Could this be by design?  Divide we are weak.  United we are strong.  We don't need to have the same beliefs in order to get order to respect one another.

There's a story that seems relevant for the time we are going through, which goes something like this:

“If you collect 100 black ants and 100 red ants and put them in a jar, they will live together peacefully. But if you shake the jar vigorously, the ants will start killing each other. Reds will believe black is the enemy and black will believe red is the enemy when the real enemy is the person who shook the jar.

Who's shaking your jar?

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Promise Of A New Day

There are many changes happening all around us.

How do we make sense of it all?

Close your eyes, and look inside your heart.  That's where your answers lie.  This is where you find what makes you happy, and how you want your life to be.

Then open your eyes; and with your eyes open, hold onto the thoughts and images you found while  looking inside.  Hold them.  Embellish them.  Post notes or pictures that help you feel your future dreams.  You are in the process of creating your new day.

Break bad habits by walking away from lies, illusions, and anything that feels bad.

Life is good.  Life is abundant.  Life is an on-going creation.  Life is worth living.

Start by walking in the direction of things that make you "feel" good.  Then things and people will be placed on your path; explore these new experiences.  They will lead you to the dreams you found in your heart.

Trust the Process!




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