The Gift Of Autumn

As the warmth of summer becomes a distant memory, and the crisp air of autumn is present, we are aware we're moving into a new season.

The changing seasons offers new colors in our landscape, and the sound of crunching leaves under our feet.  Our seasons are cyclical, each taking turn to offer its gifts to all those wise enough to learn and grow from the experience of the season.

The wisdom autumn offers is a time of transition and reflection.  This is a time to prepare for a quiet look inwards to gain the deep understanding that things do change, and it's OK as we cycle through our life.  Another word for gaining through change is "growth".

Many people are afraid of change, and try their hardest to prevent it from happening.  But you wouldn't prevent your children from changing as they grow from their experiences....would you?  It isn't always easy to watch your child go through some of the physical and emotional changes, but at the same time you know, overall, it's good for them to gain the necessary growth.

The same thing is true for us.  We need to feel our feelings about what we're going through.  We need to look inwards to gain that deeper understanding of what our lives are transitioning into.  And then embrace the wisdom that comes from what we experienced.

This way, we will be ready for the next chapter of our sacred journey, called life.

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