Happy Thanksgiving

"An Honest Look  At REALITY"

Sometimes holiday gatherings can be challenging.  When they are, we need to take an honest look at what's going on.

Maybe you find that others don't have the same beliefs or opinions that you do.                    NEWSFLASH: They aren't suppose to!!!

Think about your Thanksgiving table, if every dish was seasoned the exact same way, the meal would be dull and boring.  But as it is, some dishes are delightful to your personal taste, while others you can take or leave....HOWEVER all the dishes bring value to the meal.

So it is with the people around the table.  Each person brings an unique flavor to the gathering. Since we have no control over others, we have only our-self to look at.  Are we bringing something that blends with the occasion, or something sour and off putting?

This is my personal way to prepare myself for theses gatherings.  I look at myself as a gift I'm bringing to the celebration.  I try to wrap it to the best of my ability, all the while knowing what's inside is the real gift. I remind myself of the value of my love, and the value of each person around the table, knowing that we're all perfectly different.  I then open my heart and my mind to "Love" "Peace" and "Harmony", so I'm able to fully enjoy the different gifts gathered around. This allows me to remain in a place where I can honestly experience each person without any judgement.

We Are All, The Solution To Balancing The Chaos In This World


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