Fruit of the Vine

We are in the "Harvest Season".  Many people enjoy a nice bottle of wine at their Thanksgiving table.

What makes good wine?  Some might say the particular grape, some may say the blending of grapes. Others might say the region the grape is grown.  There are some that say the temperature, the sun, or the shade.  Still others argue the time the grapes are picked from the vine.  And in truth, all of these answers are correct.

There are so many factors that go into the perfect time to harvest the grape, so that the wine can blend its natural flavor, for a smooth taste that enhances the dining experience.

No two years are exactly the same.  Some years have more rain than others.  Some years experience varying temperatures, and at different times during the season.  The time to harvest, becomes an custom evaluation each year, throughout different regions.

The same thing is true for you.  You bring a special enhancement of your gifts and abilities into this world.  ALL, of the experiences you have gone through, are just like the different variables mentioned above that make the grape perfect for harvesting.  And who gets to perform the custom evaluation on the timing of your harvest.....You Do!  Stay away from Social Media that try to manipulate your opinion of who you are, and if you're valuable....because you are valuable.  No one else came to this world to do what you're here to do.

So be Bold!  Be full body!  Be YOU, and let that light shine brightly.

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