A Gift We Give Ourselves

Forgiveness is the gateway to a better quality of life!

Take a look at the chart below:

Notice the difference levels LOW, NEUTRAL and HIGH.

If you find the emotion of FORGIVENESS, you will see that it's at the beginning of all the emotional states we want to live within.

FORGIVENESS is what you must go through in order to reach a higher state of consciousness.

If you're unwilling to forgive, or to let go of people and experiences that have hurt you, then you're depriving yourself of a happy fulfilled life.

How do we forgive?  Who do we forgive?  Forgive Everyone....for Everything!

Consciously or unconsciously, most people were taught to label others....how people are different. Then we judge people accordingly.  Maybe that's a good place to start forgiving.  Forgive those who taught us there's a difference between people with different skin color; different religions; different political beliefs; different cultures....and at the same time, we need to forgive ourselves for believing such division.

We are all human. We were created to love....not to hate.

We're all here for different reasons. The experiences that cross our paths are there to teach us what we need to learn, and grow from. That's what makes us stronger, for our life's mission.

So it's time to Let Go, to forgive others and ourselves for the discomfort of past experiences.  To ask our self, "What did I learn from my experience?"  "How did I grow from it?"

Forgiveness, has little to do with the person who hurt us.  They don't even have to know we're working on forgiving them.  Forgiveness is about FREEING OUR SELF from the chains that are holding us to the past, and keeping us from moving forward in life.


How do you know when you've successfully moved through this stage?  When you can sincerely wish them the best in life.  When you wish them Love and Blessings....AND you wish yourself a life of Love and Blessings too!

Let's return to the loving people we were created to be.


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