It's Only A Course Correction - NOTHING MORE!

Moving forward from the previous post:


I know things are feeling crazy and out of control.  I know people are feeling fearful and things are not going as they planned for their lives.

But what if nothing was going wrong?  What if it was nothing more than a world-wide GPS indicating the need for a Course Correction.  We've all been there with our personal navigational devises, stating "At your earliest convenience make a U Turn".

In the dictionary the verb "correct" is defined as:  If you correct a problem, mistake, or fault, you do something which puts it right.

So in your automobile if you do a course correction, you're making an adjustment to the path you are currently on, in order to get back on the right path.

Did you know if a ship that is only 1 tiny degree off the correct path...and left uncorrected long enough, could miss the entire continent?  That's why there's a need for Course Corrections.

Now, what if we were given wrong information by people we trusted to guide us through tough times, and their guidance was wrong.  Don't we need to make sure we keep our eyes open to the environment we're passing through, and make our own necessary course corrections?

No matter what your circumstance is, no matter how dire your situation seems; your world is NOT falling apart.  It's merely a COURSE CORRECTION!

Nothing More.  You Are Not Alone...We Are In This Together!

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