
Once you discover something is damaged in your life and needs repair, there's an honest assessment that's needed.

To be able to step back and objectively look at your options.

I actually went through my home being severely damaged due to a fire.  My sister came over, looked at the house and said "What a Tragedy!"  Without a delay I replied, "No, it's not a tragedy, it's an inconvenience."

I'm not sure if I said that for her, or for me!!  There was so much work ahead of me, so many belongings destroyed, that when I looked at it as a "Tragedy"....I felt my energy depleted; but if it's an "Inconvenience", then I had the energy to deal with the situation.

When dealing with a big change like a sudden fire, your emotions waver back and forth as you find something dear that's now lost....processing the feelings....then return back to gratitude that no one got hurt.  We need to feel our feelings, but then we also need to regain our balance and notice what is still going well in our lives.  It's our job to keep a balanced perceptive, in order to maintain quality in our life.

So there were assessments in the clean up phase as I'm having to throw out damaged belongings, but there was also an assessment during the reconstruction phase.  The things that went through my mind during that period was "Should we sell the house As Is, and buy something ready to move into?" and since the house needed to be gutted "What areas of the house would I do differently?"  This stirred my creative juices and expanded my thinking.  Even in reading this, can you feel the return of control over my life?  Things don't happen "TO" us....everything is happening "FOR" us.  It's forming our character; it's making us grow and become stronger; it's teaching us something new; it's bringing us to a more advanced version of who we are here to be.

So when your life becomes challenged, afford yourself a neutral space to assess your situation.  See what's working and what's not working.  Then be creative in the areas that needs to be restored.

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