Taking the Mystery Out of Navigating Through Life

Most people are living life primarily in the first three charkas, Survival, Sexuality, and Power.

These first few charkas are also known as living in a 3rd dimensional life.  Why would any one chooses to live at a 3-D, rather than enjoying a 4th dimension or even 5th dimension life?  I propose to you that it wasn't actually a choice, but rather some subconscious programing done without our awareness.

If someone have been given fear based traumas, and experienced feelings of "Fight or Flight", then repeated; it causes the Energy Centers to regress into the lower 3 chakra centers.  Think of the movies you have seen, the pattern of the script writing usually revolves around a "hero's journey" which is all around triggering those fears, trauma, and anxieties before a last moment reprieve.  Look at the evening news, multiple fear based triggers are being reported when there are actually more good things happening than bad things. However they bang the drum of fear and anxiety - again programing.

When your energy is trapped in the lower, or 3 dimensional way of living, you are easy for them to control.  Examples of this is social approvals.  Numbers of likes from things you posted, how many followers you have, buying the latest trends.

As soon as you break free from the controlled 3rd dimension and feeling like you need to conform so people approve of you, then you move into a 4th dimensional life....You experiment with life, you venture out a little more and explore by trying new things.  You feel your emotions in a more uplifting way, like forgiving others, and forgiving yourself; letting go of grudges and judgements (of others AND yourself).  You find yourself communicating more honestly, freely expressing your love/respect for others and love/respect for yourself.  In this area, you start feeling a freedom you haven't experienced in the 3rd dimension.  Your breath is deeper, your lungs expand more, your shoulders are able to relax.

After living in the 4th dimension, you start noticing nicer people are interacting with you, convenient parking spaces are available to you, perhaps job opportunities open up.  This is when you're in flow.  You're actually becoming a vibrational match to the things you want to come into your life.  Think of your garage door opener, why don't all the garage doors open on the street when you push your opener?  Because your opener is tuned to the same specific frequency as your garage door, and only your door.  There must be a frequency match before the door will open.  The same is true for your life.  You MUST be a frequency match to the good things you want to come into your life.

Then you start moving into the 5th dimensional way of living when you center you mind and body in peace.  Your intuition starts opening up, and inter-connectivity offers thoughts and ideas that are greater than your own intelligence.  When your spirituality becomes fully align, you see the world and all life forms in a Oneness state of being, where everything in perfect harmony with everything else.


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