Where Am I ?

Have you ever wondered where you are, or even where are you going?  Well then this blog is for you.  I like to think of this chart as a "Directional Chart" to life.

You know when you enter the doors of your local mall, you come across a Directory?  It list every store in the mall, then it has a dot saying "You Are Here".  That's how I like to use this chart.  At different times in our life...or even in our day, we are in different states of emotions.  I will look at this chart, realize what I'm feeling, and if I'm not in a good place....just like at the mall, I notice where I'd like to be.

Once you know where you are, and then where you'd like to be, you can see the clear path to arrive at your preferred destination.

Most people need to traverse, even if only briefly, through each emotion between where you are and where you want to be.  The exception to this would be someone who is manic-depressive, their emotions can skip around, but for most of us, this is like a ladder that you step through one emotional rung at a time.  You don't need to sit through and ponder each emotion unless your soul wants a greater understanding, but it ok to flow through each step as a fluid process to where you want to be.

We as a society have been trapped within a 3rd dimensional fear-based way of living.  We are currently moving towards a 5th dimensional way of life.  As a society, we are also needing to traverse each rung of the ladder of mass consciousness together, in order to move forward in the journey of humanity.

So you can use this chart for yourself on a personal level, but it can also help you understand where your family and friends are, so you can lovely prepare them for the next rung, encouraging them to hold tight, and we are all going through this change together. 

Take a look at the final destination....oh yea, so worth the journey!

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