Promise Of A New Day

There are many changes happening all around us.

How do we make sense of it all?

Close your eyes, and look inside your heart.  That's where your answers lie.  This is where you find what makes you happy, and how you want your life to be.

Then open your eyes; and with your eyes open, hold onto the thoughts and images you found while  looking inside.  Hold them.  Embellish them.  Post notes or pictures that help you feel your future dreams.  You are in the process of creating your new day.

Break bad habits by walking away from lies, illusions, and anything that feels bad.

Life is good.  Life is abundant.  Life is an on-going creation.  Life is worth living.

Start by walking in the direction of things that make you "feel" good.  Then things and people will be placed on your path; explore these new experiences.  They will lead you to the dreams you found in your heart.

Trust the Process!




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