What Difference Can "One" Person Make?

Just as you would toss one small pebble into the lake, there is a rippling effect that goes out in all directions. If you did the same thing with one small boulder, there would be a larger rippling effect in all directions of that occurrence.

The same thing is true with one person’s personal energy or vibrational frequency.  Frequency ripples out to our family and community around us.

David Hawkins was a MD and PhD who spent several decades test and defining the frequency between different emotions.  He defined the different levels between 1 and 1000.  The higher the number, the more the person is living in a higher state of consciousness.

Most people, on average, live their lives around 200.  This is taking into account of the times they're blaming themselves or others, feeling fearful of the future or regret the past; but also the times of feeling love for another person, and joyful surprises dropped on their path.

Did you know that one person who is aware of, and in control of their internal emotions...holding on to the "Hope" that things will get better, has a positive vibration that ripples out to 90 thousand people?

One person, who is patient and kind with others, has a positive vibrational ripple on 400 thousand people surrounding them.

One person, who is feeling love for their child, parent, friend, or pet, is rippling out a positive frequency to 750 thousand people.

One person, who has mastered this ability and holding a frequency of pure peace, produces a ripple of vibrations that go out to 10 million people!!!

And the person in control of these pleasant vibrations receives the best gift of all! If you want to know what the gift is, see below.

  THE GIFTS are many:

First, knowing you're positively impacting the world around you.  Also, when you're holding the vibration of Peace, you are left with a very peaceful feeling...the same is true with Love or any other emotions.

But it doesn't stop there.  You can't be worried and feeling love or peace at the same time....therefore, it removes your feeling of burdens, which makes you look more relaxed and youthful.

But it doesn't stop there.  When you're in the higher states of frequency....your body responds to those frequencies, just as if your were in a frequency healing machine.  It literally affects the cells within your body and is healing the issues in your tissues.


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