A Healthy Time Out

Running low on energy?

Are you taking care of others with no time left for you?

Then the solution is easy, take a healthy time out!  We all need to do this from time to time. It offers us some time to re-think and re-prioritize what we're trying to accomplish.

When you take care of your needs, then you have far more energy, drive, and clarity to help others.  Just like the airlines instructing you to put your oxygen mask on before assisting others, the same is true in every day life.  If you give and give and give, without replenishing yourself, then you end up depleted without the ability to help anyone...including yourself.

Taking a Time Out is not selfish - it's self-love.  The more self-love you have, the more you're able to authentically love others.

Let's face it, the world needs more authentic Love!


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