The Greatest Love Of All

Uncategorized Feb 14, 2022

If you were to "give" someone a would first need to "have" the book before you could give it away -Right?

Well actually the same thing is true with L O V E !

You really need to own true, health love, before you have anything worth while to give to others.

Start by noticing your good qualities, your caring heart, compassion for animals, the encouraging words you share, the talents you were born with.  In a world that has lost it's way....these are valuable treasures.  It doesn't matter if others recognize these treasures, although the eventually will; Your power comes from "YOU" recognizing theses valuable abilities!

Once you recognize them, notice these honorable traits every day.  Pretty soon it will be like a plant that receives a little water, a little "tender loving care" every day.  You will blossom into the type of person who stands out as something special, with admirable qualities.

Then share THAT with the world!

The Greatest Love Of All - is YOU, and what you're able to create from the inside, then projected outward.

-Love You!


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