Can You Read Life's Signs?

Uncategorized May 22, 2022

In my opinion, the best way to read Life's Signs are to notice what you NOTICE!

Notice what steps into your Awareness.

We weren't just dropped on this planet to fin for ourselves.  We are constantly watched over, AND supported as much as our "Free Will" is allowing.

There are numerous things that pop into our daily reality that we don't even notice.  If we just walk past without even observing them, then we're missing out on valuable information that is custom designed for our life.

Awareness is everything!  When you're aware of things, you can choose to incorporate them into your life.  "Feelings" are another great leverage with awareness.  When you experience something, ask yourself how this item...situation...or choice makes you feel.  If it makes you feel good, then move forward; if it makes you feel bad, then move away from it.

Not everything will be that simple, but you'd be surprised to know how many things are!

When you know better, you do better, and eventually you change your life towards the direction you desire.

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