#authentic #bold Aug 11, 2022


Now is the time to stand up and be counted.  The time for you to write....or re-write your story.  You're not writing this story for anyone else; you're writing this story for you!

What do you want to experience between the cover of you coming into this life, and your departure from it?

Too many times people stick their nose into our business.  And if we're truthful, we'll realize how many times we stick our business into other people faces (facebook).  If people were living their authentic lives, they wouldn't even notice if anyone sees them at all.  Totally Unplugged from the good (or bad) opinions of others.  Other peoples opinions are none of "our" business.  They can only take us off of our path...our "True North".

Be Brave, Be Bold, Be Beautiful.....Be YOU!

If you write a beautiful enough story, others will eventually notice.  However this story, this dream, this really for you.


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