Are You Ready To Create?

Uncategorized Jan 20, 2022

Have you made a list of "Things That Bring You JOY" mentioned in the last blog?  If so, this will flow naturally into your new creation.  Your Creation of 2022.

There's a saying, "If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail".  It's kind of harsh, but also kind of true!  If you just hopped in the car, and put the car in drive, but don't know your destination....or what things you'd like to experience; then you'll be wondering aimlessly.

Is that what you want for your life?  If you don't even invest a few minutes each day to tune into you, and discover what makes you happy, what you really like, and what you really don't like; then you're allowing life to happen to you, rather than YOU happening to life.

No matter who you are, or what has happened to you...YOU WERE CREATED WITH SPECIAL GIFTS, THAT NO ONE ELSE WAS CREATED WITH.

What are THOSE GIFTS?  Make sure you add those to your list.  If they were placed in you at your moment of birth, then you owe it to the world to express them.


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