Can We Believe Our Lying Eyes?

In this world of mixed messages, how can we know what to believe and what not to believe?

First of all, like any good illusion, the trick is to get people looking in one direction while the magician is working their slide of hand in a different direction.

You may even notice the lights go off for a brief moment for the trick to be accomplished.

The magician would never allow you to come up close, inspect things, or ask questions, because he wants to protect his secrets.  And that's okay, because the fun is in the entertainment value of the performance.

However, what happens when people are portraying illusions in real life? How can you tell if it is real or fake?  Simply by doing the very things mentioned above.  Move in close, inspect things, and ask questions.  If the illusionist is not allowing this inspection or any questions, then there's your answer, it's fake.

Truth will always stand up to the light of day and unending questions.

This is one to grow on!



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