Coming To Terms With Disappointments

Sometimes life hurts!

Lessons are here for us to learn and grow from. We need to find our own way in life.  Sometimes we rely on other people's thoughts, discernment, or beliefs, more than we value our own.

There's nothing wrong with listening to others thoughts and beliefs.  But Discernment, that job is ours!

We all came to this planet for a powerful purpose, and it's different for each person.  If we gather other people's opinions and try to "fuse" them into our life, it may make things "confusing" for what WE came to do!

Most of us discover our life's purpose through our personal experiences.  We need these experiences to teach us, and help us to develop.  That's why it's important to experience, explore, and discern what's real for us.  So we can share our authentic self with the world.

These disappointments not only help expand us and our purpose...they are also contributing to the expansion of the world.

Let's Grow Together!


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