
The word Courage may mean different things, to different people, at different stages in their life.

But we're not here to look at other people, or even look outside of ourselves.  All our power comes from within us...never outside of us.  So please give the gift of focusing inside of yourself.  This is where you gain insight, review the past, grow from your experiences, get ideas, acknowledge your feelings, dream, make plans, and most importantly disconnect from Other People's Anxieties and Fears.

Some people may say looking within yourself is "selfish"....these are the same people, if you notice, that do NOT have their lives together.  Actually looking within yourself is "Self-Love".  When you spend the time to really know who you actually like yourself more, and understand yourself better.  At that point, you show up in the world a little differently.  Maybe less judgemental, maybe kinder, more compassionate, more peaceful.  You in essence, have more to contribute to the world after you've had a chance to look within.

Have the Courage to look within. 

The Courage to define your life, your way. 

The Courage to live by your rules.

Show up as the authentic YOU that you came to the world to be, and at this very specific time.  Anything less than really cheating the world.

YOU ARE A GIFT TO THE WORLD, don't minimize it!


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