
Definition of "Courage" from Webster's Unabridged Dictionary:

   "The quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear, bravery."


We just finished celebrating 247 years of Independence from the Crown Monarchy.  Imagine the courage our forefathers had to have to stand up against the military might of the Royal Navy and the many battleships in the harbor.

Where has this courage gone?  These men fought, some died, and others wrote our Constitution which is the highest law in the land.  How many have read the Constitution?  It’s not that big of a text….AND it defines all of the rights that are held by the People of this Country.  It also defines a small parameter which our voted official can operate within.  Anything outside of that given parameter is Unconstitutional.

What happens when the government operates outside of those parameters?  That’s what the Constitution and the Bill Of Rights tells us what we can, and must do.  If not, then we lose the Country that our father’s and mother’s fought for.

How many people do you know have read the Constitution?  How many people do you know have the courage to stand for the Laws and Rules that has sustain our country for 247 years?  America is the land of the free, because of the brave.

Courage can be contagious…catch it if you can!

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