
Have you ever had someone present you with information that was in direct opposition to your belief system?

My earliest memory of this, is when I learned there's no Santa Claus.  Everyone has their own story about this, and it might not be a big deal.  While my experience was traumatic, and left no lasting scars, this neutral story may help in seeing a bigger picture to current life issues.

In my family, I am the youngest of three children.  When my oldest sister found out the truth through her school age friends, that there is no such thing as Santa Claus, she brought that truth home to us.  Since I was so young, this hit me pretty hard.  I couldn't believe such a thing...I wouldn't believe.  Her information was wrong, and I was going to prove it.  I went to a person I knew my whole life, who knew more than my sister, and mom would set things straight.  I came to find out that my mother backed up my sister's story.  To say I was shocked would be an understatement.  I was devastated, both to find out Santa isn't real, but also to find out my mother sold me on a lie. 

When you find yourself faced with information that's in direct opposition to what you believe to be true, allow yourself some scared space to ask some discerning questions.

I would hate to be the only adult at my age that is still attached to a wrong belief!  The truth really does set us free.

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