
Do you ever feel you're being pulled in too many directions?

Are you being distracted by too many phone calls, emails, texts, social media, and/or other people's agendas landing on your path?

Either we’re going to run life, or life is going to run us. That's just the cold hard truth.  Never be afraid to look at things honestly.  Truth offers a solid foundation in which to build your thoughts and dreams on.  When you know your dreams and what you want in your life, then you can start developing different plans to achieve those dreams.  Life is a step by step process, but those steps will get you further if they are deliberate steps.

Whether I'm working on dreams or a conflict in my life, I use the 20/80 rule.  I spend 20% of my time looking at the situation honestly.  Then I put my blinders on, so I can't see any distractions...and spend the remaining 80% of my time developing a plan to get me where I want to be.

Albert Einstein said, "You cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it".

We ARE the creators of our circumstances.  If we don't like our circumstance, then we can put on our blinders and create something more appealing.

Yeah, we're THAT Powerful!

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