Does Your Perspective Help You To Navigate And Thrive?

We all see things differently, that's what makes us individuals.  We can look at others around us, some people appear to be happy, while others appear to have one challenge after another.

What many don't realize, is how you look at life and the world, is actually playing a part in creating their tomorrow.

How about you?  Does your perspective help you to navigate through life and thrive?  Or are you just trying to survive?

You hold the destiny of your tomorrow.  Don't give too much weight on other peoples opinions about your life.  Because they are not you.  Each person has their own purpose in life, with their unique path to take them to their destination.  Each person usually has different variables in their lives as well.  Example, if they're single or married; children or no children; the amount and ages of people depending on them.

The point is, listen to other people's opinions as only suggestions to consider.  Notice the feelings inside your body as you consider different suggestions.  Most people are thrown of course, because they ignore their own Internal Wisdom.

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