Every Thing In Life Is A Frequency Match

We can not "See" frequencies....but we can see the effects frequencies have in our world.

From our Cell Phones, Televisions, Radios. Garage Doors, Internet, Microwaves, GPS Tracking, Antennas, Satellite Dishes, just to name a few.

With each of these items, there must be a frequency match in order to see the effect you're hopping for.  For example, as you drive down your street, when you click your garage door opener, all your neighbors garages don't open up because there is no "frequency match" to your remote opener.  The same thing is true with your cell phone.  If your cell phone doesn't match the frequency to any near by tower, then your phone will not work.

The same thing is true with people.  Frequencies between people are not visible.  And frequencies between people either match or they don't.

People are attracted to others because each are holding a similar frequency.  Likewise, people engaged in arguments are also holding a similar frequency in order for the argument to take place.  Some people are constantly arguing, while others only occasionally argue.

When people become more conscious of their environments, they can easily see if they're holding a higher frequency of Love, Harmony, and Peace; or if they're vibrating at a lower frequency of Fear, Blame, and Anger.

We all have bad days, but if we are living Consciously we will notice when things are not going the way we prefer, and then change OUR state of mind rather than expecting others to change.


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