It's a New Year!

As we enter a new year we can tell the world is getting more off balance.  Since our thoughts, our actions, and our deeds directly affect others and eventually the progress of the world, I thought I’d share my own personal rules for navigating life.  There are only 3, so this makes it simple for me.

Rule #1


Trust in the Lord with All your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your path straight.

 Rule #2

Send LOVE:

Love is always the solution to any problem.  The only question is, who is it that needs the love?  Them?  You?  Both??

Rule #3

Let God be God:

I can be there in loving support.  Respecting other people’s journeys are between them and God, I don’t have to control other people’s circumstances.


Following these rules as much as I can helps me to stay in my lane, and allow others the freedom to discover their own path.

Happy New Year!


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