Look Before You Leap

Before you make your New Years resolution, it's worth evaluating your prior year.

  • What did you enjoy in 2022?
  • What did you experience, that you wish you'd avoided?
  • What lessons did you learn in 2022?
  • How have you grown from things that happened in prior years?
  • Was there something you were afraid to try, and so you didn't?
  • What is a deep dream you would like to experience in 2023?  

Evaluate what you'd like to keep, and what you're ready to let go of.

Life is about experiences and exploration.  About trying, tweaking, and trying again if it's important to you.  It's about growing and sharing.  Ultimately, it's about becoming more of who you came here to be.

Evaluating a few simple questions, can make a world of difference in 2023.  There's more to you than you realizes!

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