Notice What You Notice

Uncategorized May 24, 2022

Now let's practice.  You can practice with anything, and the more you do this, the better you get.

Take a look at the picture.  Most people would take a quick look and be done.  But really look at the picture!  There are different colors, different geometric designs, there are different designs within designs.

Notice what do you specifically notice about this picture?  What grabs your attention over other things?  What colors are you drawn to?  What shapes resonate with you and why?  Do you feel more relaxed when you focus on a particular area?  Do you feel pulled into the picture?  Does it feel peaceful and harmonizing or cluttered and confusing?

As you took those few moments to really look at this picture, and just noticed what you noticed about actually stepped into your POWER.  The power of this very moment right now.

The moment of now, is all we really have.  Can't do anything about yesterday, and tomorrow isn't here yet.  But if we take time out during our day to be aware to this very moment....that is where we receive messages from the divine universe that is supporting us by dropping things into our awareness.  Too many time we don't take those powerful pauses to notice what drops into our Awareness.

When you practice this throughout the day, you will realize you are constantly being guided with customized information designed for your life. 

You are Loved and Supported, the Divine knows where you currently are and where you desire to be.  Pause and notice the guidance being delivered....with unconditional love!



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