Putting The Right Pieces In Place

Uncategorized Jan 12, 2022

This is a new year, designed perfectly for a new you!

After the break down of 2020 and 2021, we get to create 2022.     The 2022 YOU want!

Do yourself a favor, and keep everyone out of this part of the creating process.  No one knows what gifts you came into the world with; nor what your deep passions might be.  Those answers are inside of you.

Make a list of things you'd enjoy doing, if money was NOT a consideration.  Not the cost for what you want to do, nor the fact you need to make a living.  Just the purity of what you enjoy doing.  Write down as many things as you can think of....they don't have to make sense to you right now.

Now take a couple days to review that list.  Can you add to the list?  Does anything jump out at you?  Do your eyes linger a little longer over a couple things on the list?  There is no deadline to this creative process.  Like a fine wine, it gets better with time.

You can still take care of your day to day responsibilities, but visit this list everyday.  Allow this creative process to take on a life of its own.

Judge Nothing, and Feel Everything!  Notice what comes into your awareness.

The journey has begun.


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