Rebuilding Step-By-Step

Moving forward from the previous post

What's stirring inside of you?

Are you following your passion?

Your wounds may be on the outside, or they may be on the inside...but we all got them!  The only difference between us is, are we facing our challenges and moving forward, or are we ignoring them and staying stuck?

We all have our stories, and yes we need to honor the challenges in our lives.  It's not uncommon for people to look back and realize how much they've grown because of their challenge. 

When these challenges occur, I recommend the 20/80 Rule.  Take 20% of your time, and honor what happened....why it might have happened....and what could be a lesson from the situation.  After that, spend the remaining 80% of your time thinking of where to go from to take small steps towards making your life better....seeing yourself at the end of the challenge as a conqueror.

Start from where you are, control your thoughts, and move forward everyday.

We all need to learn from your valuable lesson!

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