Rebuilding Your Community

Moving forward from the previous post

No Man Is An Island!

We were not meant to come to this planet and exist alone.  We are all children of our Creator, and as children we learn new things...we fall down and learn to get up again.  It doesn't matter how many times you fall down, what matters is, how many times do you get up???

You were born into this crazy world at this very precise time for a reason.  Your life's lessons that you've conquered will help so many people at this time.  There are No Mistakes, you were meant to have those lessons, so you can help other navigate through them.  We are all experts in what we have gone through, and over come.

What many people don't realize yet, is that the rules that were in place before 2020 are now totally different.  If we are going to excel during this time we need to own the wisdom within the core of our being, and share it with others. 

This is how we Rebuild Our Community into something good.

Feel your passion....then share it with others.  Those that have similar passions will find one another.  As they discuss their feelings, something new starts developing...."Synergy".

The definition of Synergy is:  The interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect grater than the sum of their separate effects.

This is how we rebuild a better world for our children, and our children's children.

Make Your Life Count - Share Your Passion!

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