
Definition of "Rightness" from Webster's Unabridged Dictionary:

"Correctness or accuracy. Propriety or fitness. Moral integrity."                     

It has been said that humans know what's right from what's wrong by the time a child is 10 years old.  So why do some people lose their way and don't stand up for what's right?

Is it that we care more about what other people think of us? Perhaps we feel pressure or bullying around us. Whatever prevents us from doing what we know is right, is actually compromising our integrity.

It's not always easy to do what's right. But if we maintain our integrity, our lives get easier and our path becomes clearer.  Maybe those who don't accept us for who we are, including our desire to act responsibly, aren't supposed to be in our life anyway.

Never get tired of doing the right thing.  Humanity is counting on us!

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