So Let's Start Creating....

Uncategorized Feb 07, 2022

Starting with a blank canvas, what are some of the things you'd like to experience in 2022?

You don't need to worry about the day to day routine tasks, they will find a place in your life.  But let's create a focal point...some points of interest you'd like to fold into your life this year.

Feel free to incorporate some items from your list of "Things That Brings You JOY".  Just by "naming" what you want, subconsciously "claims" it for you.  Like we've said before, you wouldn't just hop in the car and take a journey, without identifying what you'd like to see and where you want to end up.

There is no right or wrong way.  Nothing set in stone.  No rules.  If something isn't working, move things around until it feels right....feels comfortable...feels like it supports you.


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