The Art Of Letting Go

It has come out that we live in an "Electromagnetic" world, and that we are electromagnetic in structure.  Past hurts and wounds have an attachment or hold on us, because of our electromagnetic frequency.

If we really want to "un-snag" ourselves from past hurts and wounds, we have to be willing to consciously let go of the past.

The trapeze artist has to be willing to let go of the past bar, in order to grab the current bar.  As they do, they pick up momentum so they can grab the future bar.

What happens if you don't let go?

The momentum starts slowing down and eventually stops.  Then you're just left hanging!

Experience the fullness of life; forgive yourself and others when there are mistakes or miss-perceptions.  Forgiveness is a powerful ability that is highly under used.  The other person involved doesn't even need to know forgiveness is being activated.  This really is a gift you give to yourself more than a gift for others...even though others will benefit, too.

This gift, gives you back the momentum, so your life can get back into the flow.  Experience the full expression of being Free!


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