Understanding Your Expansion

Every New Experience Is Expanding Us!

Expanding our knowledge; Expanding our skills; Expanding our character; Expanding our comfort zone; Expanding our inner world!

Several years back I got certified in scuba diving.  There were many things to learn as I stepped into a new world with different surroundings and different rules.  Things needed to be explained to me, what I can touch verses what I can't touch, never to dive alone, how to communicate underwater, how to navigate in poor visibility, and how to buddy breathe if someone's tank ran out of oxygen.

Once we got underwater, there was a new freedom I quickly realized because of the tank of oxygen strapped to my back, I was able to stay down and enjoy .  I was able to see bright vivid colors of fish swimming together in schools, sea life tucked within the rocks or blending in with the coral.  I saw a sand ray that was camouflage and swam away as I approached, and even encountered a barracuda who moved in an opposite direction equally as fast.

Then came the finial day of testing to obtain the needed certification required for independent diving.  We were judged on fitness abilities, skills we were taught, and lastly, we had to unstrap our tank 30 feet down, leave it on the ocean floor and swim to the top without a supply of oxygen....while blowing air out the whole way up.  What I never experienced before was, as I ascended, the oxygen in my lungs would expand. As long as I was ascending, there was a constant expansion of oxygen taking place.

Whether you realize it or not, we are living in a new world.  This is not the same world as the one before the corona lock-down.  We are expanding into a new freedom that we have never experienced before.  It might be scary at times because new experiences often are, but we're not doing this alone...we have buddies with us.  And as we drop the shackles of the old world on the ocean's floor, we are ascending to a new level of expansion that is far greater than we could have dreamed of.

Be bold and step into the new version of you.  As you ascend there is a constant expansion of infinite possibilities taking place.

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