Universal Law

There are Universal Laws that are governing our lives far more than man's laws.

These laws focus on Peace, Respect, and Love for all people everywhere.

We need to hold tightly to this truth and practice this truth daily, to be on the right side of Universal harmony and justice.

Everyone is on their own Spiritual Journey.  Each person's alignment has nothing to do with other people.  We are 100% responsible for our feelings, our choices, our actions, and our alignment to Source.

We are evolving to a higher way of living.

Pick 3 times during the day to check in and ask yourself these questions:

Am I staying in "my own lane"?  Am I managing my own emotions?  Are the actions I'm choosing, aligned with Peace, Love and Respect?

If you are, Good Job!

If you're not, don't worry, just redirect your focus.

Ascension Baby!




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