We Are All Connected

Uncategorized Mar 12, 2022

This is a picture of the center of our universe taken from the Hubble Space Station.  However instead of looking at it through an optical lens, this was taken from a Chandra space telescope which reflects the energy field of our planetary system.  This picture shows how our whole universe is connected through a web like energy field.

When we understand even a small fragment of the abilities we were created with and we begin to utilize these abilities, then we start realizing the importance of meditation.  Through quieting the mind, and feeling through our heart...we are then participating in this universal connection and communication!

We can use this divine connection to understand if things presented to us are True, or if they're False.  This divine connection is there to support us with all of our questions and concerns. 

This is like when you learned to ride a bike, it takes a little practice; but when you quiet the mind and communicate through the feelings of the heart....this support will take you Anywhere You Want To Go!

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