What Are You Aiming At?

Uncategorized Jan 01, 2022

As you move into 2022, what are you aiming at?

So many times we take this time of year to set New Year goals and resolutions.  That's really not the meaning behind this question.

When we create resolutions, more often than not, we're looking at what's wrong with us; or what we need to correct.  Most of those questions are answered in our heads.

"What Are You Aiming At?", is a question for your heart to answer.  What does your soul long for?  What do you feel passionate about?  What fills your heart with so much JOY that you become light, and happy?

THAT is what you should be aiming for throughout 2022! 

Are you ready to pick up the pieces from 2020 - 2021, and arrange them in a way that adds meaning to your life for 2022...and beyond?

This is SO possible, very doable!  Start from the TRUTH....there is nothing wrong with you.  You are not here to be like any body else, so unplug from the thought of being "Liked" on social media and plug into you.  Your passion, your dreams, what you like, and what brings you joy!!  And let those be your AIM for 2022.

Whatever you AIM at, you will eventually achieve!

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