You Cannot Heal, What You Do Not Reveal

Uncategorized May 09, 2022

We were created with so many abilities that we don't use.  We were designed to grow, to learn, to thrive, and to help others do the same.

Yet every person, at one time or another get stuck, and have difficulties moving forward.  It's even more confusing when a "bad" thing happened to a "good" person.

While we are lost in the "confusion", we end up making life decisions through the lens of hurts and wrongs that happened many years ago.  These hurts and wrongs don't heal on their own.  They truly deserve that sacred space to honor what happened, so we can let go of the trauma in the body, even at a cellular level, is holding on to.

So how do we do this?  Many times, it just needs to be reviewed with objectivity....someone who doesn't have a vested interest in a particular "story line".   Maybe a good friend can be that for you.  Maybe you can do that for yourself.  Revisiting something that happened to you when you were young, but from the vantage point (knowledge) of being an adult now.  Then you would have clarity to see if you've been holding on to feelings of unworthiness, insecurities, or fears.....when clearly as an adult you can recognize, it was the other person acting improperly and might have taken their anger out on you.  If the traumas are hard for you to look at, that is a clear signal to get professional guidance as you navigate the past hurts and wrongs, in order to put things right.

Our bodies hold on to these traumas until we take an Honest look at what happened AND Honor the soul or human spirit that was injured in those situations.  Once these experiences have been fully honored, they will no longer have a strangle hold on our life going forward.

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