Don't Like It? Change it!

If there's anything in your life that's making you unhappy, then maybe it's time to change it.

You can change just about anything in your life that you don't like.  Your job, your relationships, where you live, what vehicle you drive, body size, the way you look at things, and even your government.

If anything is affecting the quality of your life, then it's your responsibility to Change it!

Take a step back. Spend 20% of your energy looking at the problem.  Then pick up a piece of paper and spend the remaining 80% of your energy writing down steps leading towards the solution.  Then prioritize those steps.

As you implement those action steps, make adjustments where needed.

You can change ANYTHING, and don't let anyone tell you differently.

You deserve a joyful life!

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Thoughts vs Feelings

Thoughts come from your mind.  Usually your intellect trying to logically figure things out.

Feelings, however is something that usually takes place in the heart or solar plexus area in your body.

Feelings are the language the Universe speaks!  Whatever feelings you're holding about the thoughts you think...ARE your requests to the Universe.

If you think about money, and feel that you don't have enough money; your language to the Universe says, "I want not enough money".  The Universe responds in kind.

If you think about relationships, and feel sad that you don't have one; your language to the Universe says, "I want no relationship".  The Universe responds in kind.

If you want more money, or a relationship in your life, look at the money you already have and feel so grateful to have the money.  Think about the loving relationships you currently have, even if it's a relative, a dog, or the cute toddler living next door.  Think of the joyful things they...

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Time To Allow Your Truth To Shine

Are you tired of being how others say you should be?

Hollywood, Magazines, TV programs, are all programing to be who they say is ideal.  But what if "they're" wrong?

I think it's time for you to allow your truth to shine through.

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Giving Up On Fear!

Have you ever heard the saying:

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result"

Isn't that what we all have done...Live In Fear, over and over again?

Isn't it time to come out of the Fear and the Dark and into the Light?

Don't be afraid of your future....It's Bright.

Explore, you can't make a mistake....only learn new experiences to Grow from.

Enjoy - This Life Belongs To YOU!

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Are You Believing Everything You See?


Anything they can get you to believe in the movies, is the same technology they you use to control your emotions.

Your emotions are for you to control...and not others!

Pay attention to how you feel, and what you're thinking.  These control your emotions.  Your emotions ARE the power behind what you bring into your reality.

If you "FEAR", you are bringing in scary or troublesome experiences into your existence.  If you "LOVE", you are bringing in peace, kindness and harmonious experiences into your existence.

You are the "Gate Keeper" to your own emotions and beliefs.  





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You Create Your Tomorrows

We Are Creators!

Wherever we put our attention, that is what we are calling forth into our lives.

So, in these days we're currently going through, are we worried about going to war?  Or are we loving the fact that people are standing up for peace?

Are you worried you don't have enough money?  Or are you so happy to have a roof over your head?

It's worth taking a look at the quality of thoughts running through your mind.  Once you fully realize that whatever you're thinking about IS creating your tomorrow, then, chances are you would "re-phase" your words and your emotions.

First we have a thought, then we have "feelings" about that thought.  The stronger our emotions are, the faster we are pulling the "good", or the "bad" into our lives.

Take a Leap Of Faith into this new year.  Think good, happy and loving thoughts.  Then feel strong emotions about those thoughts.





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Time To Step Out Of Fear

Don't worry.....Be happy!

This is the secret to life.  So why does it seems so hard to get there?

Because we weren't properly trained to be Happy, we were trained to Fear.  Fear of something happening, fear of something not happening.  We waste so much time on fear, and the troublesome thing is...when we're fearful, we are easy to control!

That's what they count on.  That's why we're shown scary images, or stories of war.  To keep us paralyzed.

But now that you KNOW, you can take your power back.  Step out of fear!  When you see something that you're afraid of happening, what would be the opposite of that?  Picture the opposite in your mind, picture it in color and add anything enjoyable to that picture.  Think of what you want to happen.  How does that make you feel?

We create anything we focus on.  The news wants us to focus on wars and illness; because if we focus there, that's what we will create.

However, if we focus on...

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The Soul's Journey

The Soul's Journey is all about moving forward, or ascending.  It's not about being perfect, it's about being better than we use to be.

It's not a comparison with others, it's a comparison with our self.

When we're living in the 3rd dimensional realm, our predominant emotions we'd be attached to is "Guilt" "Shame" "Fear" and "Anger".

When we're living in the 4th dimensional realm, our predominant emotions we'd be attached to is "Hopeful" "Curiosity" and "Neutrality".  This is where we're willing to be open minded and explore situations and ideas.

When we're living in the 5th dimensional realm, our predominant emotions we'd be attached to is "Forgiveness" "Love" "Patience" and "Peace".

Be aware of what emotions you're feeling.  Are you happy there?  If you are, then keep thinking what you've been thinking.  Being happy is what we're aiming for.

If you're not happy, look at the qualities of the next dimension up, from where you currently see yourself to...

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Stay Strong

FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real)

Real or Not, fear can leave you with the feeling of being "trapped".  It can leave you feeling hopelessness, which can be quite paralyzing.

With just a change of your focus, you'll be able to regain your strength in a short period of time.

First, understand that "Yesterday's History" and "Tomorrow's a Mystery".  All your power is in the here and now!

Each day, make sure you take care of your spiritual needs, and no, I'm not talking about religion.  I'm talking about the spirit inside of you.  That place that offers extreme joy and happiness, the place where inspiration comes from.

Walk outside in nature, meditate, sing a happy song, laugh, smile, run.  Allow yourself to express itself.  Do things that brings you joy AT LEAST once a day...and hopefully throughout the day.

By doing this everyday, your days will be happier because you're bringing happiness in daily.  When you're happy, your soul is free to express,...

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True Wisdom

When we follow the thoughts in our head we rationalize (ration-a-lies).

Our Soul know its journey.

Tune into your heart for the most direct guidance to "your" path and purpose.  Don't worry if others don't get it, they're not suppose to understand your life.

That's why the have a life of their own!




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